Welcome To
Magick and Mimosas

A spiritual wellness experience

What is Magick and Mimosas?

Magick and Mimosas is a spiritual wellness business that aims to center the spiritual experiences of everyday life.

Brought to you by Ne Ne. <3

Educator, Hoodoo, Aborisha, and Diviner

Crafting For Community

My Products

All products are crafted with intention from the herbs used, many of which are grown in community and picked by my own hands, to the cultivated playlists of music played while crafting. For example, the Divine Beauty Shea Butter not only provides top tier moisture and conditioning to your hair and skin; it also includes intentional ingredients such as clove to deepen spiritual connection and clarity while using the product. It is carefully prayed over as herbs are activated in order to bring out that inner confidence and divinity from the first use to the last.


Customers Love My Products!

The glowing reviews speak for themselves. Once you try my products, there is no going back. You are hooked! 

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Courses, Services and Rituals

All services are purposefully crafted and carefully executed to include holistic wellness from the inside out: spirit, body and mind. For example, the Money and Abundance Service not only brings coins to your pockets in the here and now, but also aids in reframing your thinking from the hustle and bustle of laborious capitalism to the ease and flow of allowing money to come to you and work for you.

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Tarot Divinations

Divination is a tool used to provide insight into your life that can be used to inform decision making. Tarot cards are but just one modality to access these insights. Free moon cycle tarot divinations are available and linked below! For a personalized reading, book an individual reading when available.

NeNe’s Magickal Musings Blog

The Magick and Mimosas Blog Page is a place to read my musings on many facets of life through the lens of spiritual wellness. We’ll talk about love, money, readings, rituals, workings, spells, products, divinations, sex, relationships and more! Each post will give you food for thought that will spark sacred self discovery and tips on moving forward and developing rituals to integrate spirituality into the area of life discussed.

Coming Late 2024!


All events are intentionally crafted to be a spiritual wellness experience that you walk away from feeling refreshed, recentered, and reconnected. By deepening your relationship with your spiritual self, you will gain tools on how to better walk in your purpose with clarity and confidence.

Let’s make Magick (and Mimosas) together.

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Customers Love My Products!

The glowing reviews speak for themselves. Once you try my products, there is no going back. You are hooked!