Courses, Services and Rituals
All services are purposefully crafted and carefully executed to include holistic wellness from the inside out: spirit, body and mind.
Seven DayDream Ritual
The Seven DayDream Ritual is a guided ritual designed to facilitate your ability to disconnect from the pressures and pacing of capitalism and re-engage with your childlike imagination allowing you to make room for yourself to dream again. This helps you to realign with your larger desires and bring them into physical reality, also known as manifesting.
There are detailed instructions on how to engage in each day, as well as examples. Participants have reported feeling more in tune with their body and inner selves, feeling more self-love, feeling inspired to set intentional time to unplug, and creating more space for love and light in their lives.
Coming March 29, 2025.

Money and Abundance Service
The Money and Abundance Service is performed by me, on your behalf. This service not only brings coins to your pockets in the here and now, but also aids in reframing your thinking from the hustle and bustle of laborious capitalism to the ease and flow of allowing money to come to you and work for you. When available, this service runs in conjunction with the new moon! Participants have reported increases in income, securing scholarships, being presented with money making opportunities without applying and more.

Intuition 101
Intuition 101 is an online course designed to better acquaint you with your own intuitive voice and begin to establish personal rituals. Topics in the course cover the basics of being able to distinguish your intuition from other lines of thinking, altar creation, creating sacred space, an intro to tools of divination and more.
This is a 6 week program, designed to allow participants to engage in tracking their progress through a full moon cycle. The course is asynchronous with lessons chunked for every week which include reflective journaling prompts to maintain pace and cadence. There will also be optional biweekly office hours that allow for direct communication with the facilitator (NeNe) and community members who are also taking the course at the same time for those who crave face (video) time to process out loud or just chop it up and build community.
Coming September 21, 2025.