Book A Reading

Welcome! I’m glad to have you here.

You can book a reading with me below. Please note I cannot accommodate live readings at this time and your reading will be emailed to you.

I look forward to divining for you!

General Tarot Reading

A general tarot reading can provide insight into the present state of your life or a particular facet or question you’ve been pondering. It provides clarity that can inform your decision making. General tarot readings can convey information about your life overall, spiritual wellness, health, finances, love life and more. You can ask questions around next steps in your career, going back to school, how to approach a difficult conversation with a loved one, etc. You are limited to 1-3 specific questions or areas of life when booking this reading. You will receive your reading via email within two weeks of purchase date. This reading is $33.

Book A General Reading

Year Ahead Tarot Reading

Happy New Year! This Reading gives you clarity around what the next year has in store for you. You will receive both a general overview and a monthly breakdown. As the astrological new year is in the spring (March), this offering is available until then. I will read 12 months into the future for you. You can use this knowledge to inform the goals you set and how to adapt appropriately to the challenges life throws your way. You will receive your reading via email within two weeks of purchase date. This reading is $55.

Book A Year Ahead Reading